Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Trust Me

Do yourself a favor and start reading Fell by Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith. I picked up 1-6 last week and thoroughly enjoyed them. Check out the entire first issue for free right here. It weighs in at just 16 pages, but it'll only cost you $1.99 so it's the same price per page as a 22 page comic for $2.99 (or close to it).


At 9:52 AM, Blogger Rob said...

they're also denser, storywise, than most 22pg comics, are standalone and contain a few pages of Warren Ellis writing on whatever in the back, which is fun if you're not already doing it (via his blog or bad signal or on the engine)

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Brian said...

I should have made the point you raise about the stories being more dense. I agree, Ellis is able to do in 16 pages what a lot of writers can't seem to get done in 22. Thanks for pointing that out.


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